Future vs Promise

In Part I we briefly talked about the Future interface in Java. In other programming languages such as Javascript, there is also Promise, which is quite similar to Future, but are more powerful in the sense that you can chain them. Now Java 8 introduces CompletableFuture which can be considered as Java’s Promise. In this post I will use CompletableFuture and Promise interchangeably.

Now before diving into the features and usages of CompletableFuture, let us first consider the question: what’s the relationship & differences between Future and Promise? Other than that Future is an interface, and CompletableFuture is a class that implements it?

Both Future and Promise represents the result of an asynchronous computation result. The difference is that a Future is a read-only container of that result, while a Promise can be updated (completable).

One way to imagine this difference, is we have a Caller thread, the Consumer of a (potentially) slow routine, and a Callee thread, which is the (async) Implementor of the slow routine:

Caller/Consumer  --- calls (async) --->  Callee/Implementor 

The Caller/Consumer calls the async routine, and much like in Part I, gets a Future back, and wait on the Future object till the result is in. From this side of the view, the Future object is read-only: all we can do is to wait. We could decide to wait for a limited time only (.get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)), or even cancel it (.cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)), but we can’t alter the result. Afterall, we are the caller, the uninfluential outsider.

  // Caller / Consumer
  public void someMethod() {
    Future<String> f = asyncSlowFetch();
    String result = f.get();
    System.out.println( "caller thread got result back: " + result );

The Callee/Implementor usually construct a CompletableFuture instance, and returns it immediately, before starting on its slow and steady routine. When the slow routine is finished, the Callee/Implementor finishes the CompletableFuture instance with the .complete(T value) method. (and it is at this point in time, that the caller’s .get() can return). From this side of the view, we are dealing with a CompletableFuture object that the implementor can manipulate.

  private static final ExecutorService THREAD_POOL = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

  // Callee / Implementor
  public Future<String> asyncSlowFetch() {
    CompletableFuture<String> promise = new CompletableFuture<>();
    THREAD_POOL.execute( ()-> {
      String result = slow_calculattion(...);
    } );
    return promise;

A complete Java source code can be found here.

To hammer this point home, let’s try another example. Let’s say we have many threads all waiting for a single thread to finish, before they could continue. In the old days we could do something like this:

  private static final String LOCK = "LOCK";

  // in the N (waiting) threads
  synchronized (LOCK) {

  // in the Single (holding) thread, to wake up everyone
  synchronized (LOCK) {

A complete Java source code can be found here (notify/wait version).

Now with Future & Promise we could achieve similar behavior like this:

  private static final CompletableFuture<String> PROMISE = new CompletableFuture<>();

  // in the N (waiting) threads

  // in the Single (holding) thread, to wake up everyone
  PROMISE.complete("WAKE UP!!!");

A complete Java source code can be found here (future/promise version).