
Future was introduced in Java 7. It represents the result of an asynchronous computation that may or may not have completed. One way to think of it is like this:

  Future<Double> futureResult = some_very_slow_calculation( ... );
  // since the some_very_slow_calculation( ... ) method is async, we get the
  // Future<Double> (thus reach here) immediately, usually before the calculation is done.

  /* why wait? I can go work on something else! */

  // now maybe the slow calculation is done?
  Double result = futureResult.get();  // this is a BLOCKING call

Of course we rarely use Future in the above manner, since it is too wishful thinking. What if do_some_other_work() needs the result of the calculation? What if do_some_other_work() finishes too quickly, and we are back at

  Double result = futureResult.get();

which is blocking?

Fortunately Future also offers get() with timeout, isDone(), and cancel(). One of the more common ways to use Future, is actually to use FutureTask, which implements Future. We could do something like this:

  // private static final ExecutorService THREAD_POOL = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8);

  FutureTask<Double> ft = new FutureTask<Double>( ()->very_slow_blocking_calculation( ... ) );
  try {
      Double result = ft.get(1000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);  // 1 second timeout
      // continue to do other work, with result
      . . .
  } catch (Exception e) {

Or, if we don’t want to give up so easily (let’s say the very_slow_blocking_calculation is important), we could

  // private static final ExecutorService THREAD_POOL = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(8);

  FutureTask<Double> ft = new FutureTask<Double>( ()->very_slow_blocking_calculation( ... ) );
  try {
      while( !ft.isDone() ) {
          // while we wait, we can go work on something else
      Double result = ft.get();  // this will return immediately
      . . .
  } catch (Exception e) {

A complete Java source code can be found here.